Sunday, March 29, 2009

he is still definitely into bathtime. if we say the word bath he starts running to the bathroom saying bath bath over and over again. jonah has a new fun toy....the swiffer! its pretty cute, but he sure gets angry when he gets it stuck under a piece of furniture!! i guess it just interupts his superb cleaning...haha. seriously, why do we buy kids toys anyway :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

fun family day

on friday we had such beautiful weather!! we had to get some family time in, since myk just got home from a trip and was leaving again in a couple of days. we went to jacksonville and played at the park and then walked around town. it was a lot of fun seeing how excited jonah was just to be playing outside in the nice weather. however, he was more interested in watching the other kids than actually playing himself, but we had a blast in the sun and looking around in the stores.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

we are so blessed! the Lord has really provided for us....what more could we ask for?! jonah is just becoming more and more like a little boy. he is really trying to say different words, learning his colors and animals, and just being an amazing little boy. one of his favorite things to do is go outside...such a boy! he could swing on our porch swing for as long as we would let him. i would say that is one of his favorite things to do right now...well that and get into everything. work is going well for myk and i am actually doing some work for the dr that i use to work for. i would have to say we dont have much of anything to complain about...other than the summer could not get here fast enough!! we are just so thankful for all of our friends and family....who are just amazing!