Sunday, December 28, 2008


christmas was busy but a lot of fun. it was nice because we were able to spend quality time with both sides of the family. jonah is at the age where he does not exactly get the whole opening of presents thang, but he sure is into the tissue paper. so i am pretty sure that we are about to open our very own toy store...omg!! seriously having a child who has a birthday near christmas makes for a lot of gifts at once....good grief.

Friday, December 19, 2008

our litttle cuddler

jonah has been such a little cuddler these past couple weeks. it has been the sweetest....did i mention that we both LOVE IT!! yesterday jones went to the dr for his 1yr well baby.... he is about 13 months now, which i cant believe. so he has totally shot up on the charts for his heighth. he is now in the 50% and he was in the 15% last time he was at the dr. as for his weight, the little guy is just under the 5% mark. he is now 29.75 inches tall and weighing in at.....drumroll.....a whopping 18#3oz.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

this morning

this morning jonah has been in such a silly and happy mood!! oh, did i mention that i love when he is like this :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

okay a few more...

i know i know....FINALLY

so i dont even know where to begin...i have totally neglected my duties as a blogger!! ooops :) i guess i should first start with the fact that my little baby is no longer a baby....per baby center. apparently the day that your baby turns one they no longer refer to him as a baby, rather he is known as a toddler. this is truly unbelievable!! i cannot believe it but jonah is now one, as of nov 23rd. we had a wonderful birthday party down in medford. i do have to say that i am not into this whole hosting bit...just a little stressful but it all turned out and we had a blast. jonah now has enough toys for 10 kids..lets just say that our car was packed on the way back to bend! we had thanksgiving at our house, which was pretty cool! ohhh and let me add this is my favorite day of the year, and i totally admit to it being because of the fabulous food....yummmmm! i kind of went crazy with the pics...but i had to catch up :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

eventful weekend

we had an exciting weekend!! on saturday night we watched jones' little cuz, elijah. eli had a lot to say to jonah when he was using his chair...hehe...and jonah was just taking it all in. then on sunday grandma and papa were in town and we went out to the pumpkin patch. jonah had a good time seeing the animals and the pumpkins! it will be a blast next year when he is walking around and able to do a little more, but we still had a great time.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

i've been tagged

k, so i have been tagged by one of my many friends named megan...hehe. just to make it clear to everyone i am talking about megan mackeson! i go!

1. my first kiss was in kindergarten by my friend danny agee. he gave me a kiss on the cheek when we were out on the school field. being the responsible one...haha. i decided i should let the principal know about it. so off to the pricipal i went...needless to say we were both talked to about not being "physical" at school.

2. well you may have noticed by my previous entrance... i was a total tattle tale. yes, i was the person that would go and tell on anyone about anything, when i was young. i would even tell on myself, if i thought something that i had done was not the right thang to poor cousins, they got it the worst.

3. i tend to have a little so i ALWAYS have to lock my car more than once and check that the front door is locked...way to many times. i dont know why that is but especially when myk is out of town i think i check the front door like 3-4 times and the car too...for goodness sakes there is a garage door opener in there. a thief could totally get into my house if i forgot about the car.

4. i have a habit of biting on the inside of my cheek. it used to be nervous habit, but now i think it has just turned into a bad habit all together.

5. when myk and i are sitting down i love to flop my legs over him, its just relaxing. well that and i love my man :) but i drive him crazy because i have this problem. i just cant sit still, so i am constantly moving my legs or shaking my feet...ooops.

6. ok, so i am sure this is a shocker, but my hubby say that i am dramatic. i know it it is totally news to me too :)

7. i skipped the eighth grade. this was not because of my extreme brilliance....haha. no i thought it would be cool to be in high school with my friends. most of my friends were a grade ahead of me and heaven forbid i miss out on freshman year with them.

now, you guys are up. i tag megan caston, megan baker, kate, and ramie

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

playful day

for some reason jones was totally into playing more than usual today. he brushed his teeth..hehe, then he was giving his monkey a kiss. i love when he is such a happy boy!! well, as you can see jonah considers his sock to be a pretty entertaining toy. it is amazing to me how kids are with toys...and then how excited they become when playing with socks, wooden spoons,!

Monday, October 13, 2008

kisses babe...

we both love you lots and are thinking about you!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

bathtime fun

just thought i would share some pics of jonah and bathtime. he absolutely loves his baths!! yes...he loves post baths also, since he can run around with no clothes. this last pic i just had to jones does not get mad that i put a pic of him with no clothes...hehe. see jonah... you are wearing clothes in the last photo :) actually last week jonah stood up all by himself..for the first time. yay!!! dada was not around to see but jonah did it again this last weekend...just to prove that he could do it again!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

oh happy day

today started off just fine and dandy. jones was playing with all of his toys and was loving life. well this definitely took a turn once dinner rolled around. for some reason this evening was a bit you can see!! i think the little guy is having some more teething issues. i can see his other eye tooth ready to poke through...heck it might have tonight, but i was not about to bother him and see. well lets just say that the little guy is happy now that he is in bed snoozin'

Sunday, September 28, 2008

then there were 5...

jonah now has 5 teeth...they just keep on showin up!!! so he has the 2 bottom and he has 3 upper. hopefully he will get a little break from the pain on new teeth popping up...for a little while anyway. as you can see it looks like jonah is interesting in guitars like his daddy. its pretty cute...myk just lets him act like he is playing them. so often i see jonah in the office...while he is in his walker and he is over at the guitar trying to strum it. he has always enjoyed hearing his daddy play!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

ohh...he's changing

i thought that i would write a little update, since i have become somewhat of a slacker on this whole blog thang...hopefully its just a phase :) jonah now has three teeth, with another two about to break through. i guess when they start coming...they just keep on popping up. he has his two lower front teeth and he has one up top...he has a bit of a snaggle tooth up there, but hopefully the other front tooth with show up here real soon ;) of course we think he looks adorable...but we might just be a little biased. we purchased a walker for jonah and he just zooms around like a is helpful that we have all wood floors downstairs. it is a lot of fun watching him move around and it is a nice break from holding him all the time...easier to get some things accomplished around the house. i am just amazed that he is already 10 months old. where the heck did the time go?!?! now look at him just workin' away on dada's computer, helping him get his work finished. although it looks like he is chatting on line, if you ask me....hehe!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

just havin fun..

i've got to tell you this little boy just loves being outside...anytime of day. yes, of course he also enjoys being inside and getting into trouble...amazing how soon these kiddos know when they are getting into something that they should not be. new news....jonah has another tooth that has just popped through. the way i found this out was he was grinding his teeth....the noise was like finger nails on a chalk board. it hurt me when i saw him doing this. i guess myk did this when he was an infant father like son.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

this far

we have been having a fun i thought that i would post some fun pics. ohh..and myk and my dad rented some harleys....but i didnt take any pics. oops :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

curious much?!

whatcha doin over there???

Monday, August 25, 2008

our little advertising baby :) i know i am maybe a little biased, but i totally think this would be the cutest little advertisement for johnson's baby lotion!! :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

dr appt

jonah are so darn handsome! i am just amazed at how in love myk and i are with this little boy. okay, so i took our little guy to the dr on monday...jones will be 9 months on the 23rd, which is totally unbelievable. if you ask me he is getting so big....however in comparison to other little guys his age....not so much. jones weighs a total of 15#'s and 14oz and he is 26.75inches tall. the little guy is only in the 5th percentile for his weight and 15th for his height...but he is perfect if you ask us...and he may be little but to God he's big stuff!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

new trick

so......our little boy has learned a new trick. tonight he was not so into going to sleep, which happens occasionally. i usually let him cry for a while and he falls asleep....however this time when i went to check on the stinker.....he was standing in his crib, screaming, and shaking the railing of the crib. thank goodness we lowered his crib this weekend!!! oh...and yes i did see him, then leave the room to grab the camera...his daddy had to see this!

luv u

hey dada...just wanted to say luv u and let you know i slept really good for mama last night...miss you lots. We luv u tons babe, and hope you are having a nice week!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

a great week

this was such a great week and weekend!! it started with jonah getting his first tooth on monday....yay...let me tell you it sure it a sharp little thang.....ouch! this last week jonah also really started babbling "bababababa" nonstop...i think that he really likes the sound of his voice and i am not going to argue i think it is absolutely adorable as well :) then on friday our new little nephew Elijah Michael Goergen was born...weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and 20.5 inches long. he is so precious....although jonah was a little concerned when his cuz was crying. on friday jonah also clapped for the first time...which was super cute....of course! then on sunday he waved for the first time...gotta love it. this week was full of excitement!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

camping trip

this past weekend we went on a camping trip to newport with the bakers and johnsons. myk had planned this trip for about 2months and we were super stoked to go! he had every detail organized...including an excel spreadsheet of a color coded food we were obviously quite excited. when us and ryan and megan arrived to newport, it was a gorgeous day...we knew rain was in the forcast...but it totally was not going to stop us. we set camp up, had some hot dogs, and chilled....okay so myk and ryan set up camp :) they are definitely keepers and were so sweet to megan, jonah, and i. by the time the johnsons got there we were off to bed. the next morning it rained until 12...but we did not want this to ruin the trip....that would have been silly since we knew it was going to stop early afternoon. the guys set up a fortress between the bakers and our tent....oh so that the water would not get us when entering our tent. they also set up a cool area around the picnic table...basically we were set and could not complain. they were trying to hard to keep everyone happy.... so lets just say that the day ended up being a blast with the following day being GOREGOUS. all and all i can say i know us and the bakers had an awesome time and are already talking about next years trip...thanks for planning this babe!