Thursday, February 5, 2009

so much has gone on since i have done do i blog again???! well, to start off our handsome little boy is now TOTALLY walking. he is soo over that whole crawling business. it is so much fun watching him walk around. the bummer part is now he is constantly falling.....over and over and over again. i do have to say that it really isnt as crazy as everyone makes it sound, with him getting into everything now that he is walking everywhere.....yay!! well i guess that is just life for a 1yr old...speaking of he is now 14.5 months old, which is just incredible in itself. oh and yes he is liking the window....silly boy.
we have been just so blessed with having such a wonderful family, great friends, and a wonderful home to come home to!


nana&grandpa said...

The BABY is now a LITTLE BOY, oh boy, oh boy, oh... but as darling as can be and still a "Ray of Sunshine" for me. Nana adores you Jonah!