Wednesday, January 9, 2008

last night i totally love my mommy duties and love my little boy.....but the nights....good grief. so i am trying to get him to skip his 2/3am feeding, but that is totally easier said than done!! last night was my first night replaceing his feeding with a pacifier. so, i am suppose to pick him up out of his crib and instead of feeding i am to have him suck on the pacifier until he falls to sleep. i know sounds pretty simple, but it was NOT. after me attempting to do this.....ohhhh only about a dozen times and 2hrs later....i gave in. needless to say i fed the little stinker...poor little guy acted like i was starving him. sleep......ya so last night i did not get much. all i have to say is wish me luck tonight. hopefully it will work out a little bit better. if it doesn't, well i will try and try again.
come on jonah.....we can do it!!!!!